Beautiful design by Bluebode
Blubode products High quality materials

Bluebode switches are of fine workmanship

Blubode products have a quality guarantee

About us
BLUEBIRD”是一家拥有百年历史的德国传奇品牌。在这一百多年里,布鲁博德- -直以精湛的工艺、优良的品质和创新精神,为全球消费者打造着高品质的家居电气品牌。

"BLUEBIRD" is a legendary German brand with a century-old history. In this more than 100 years, Bluebode - with exquisite craftsmanship, excellent quality and innovative spirit, to create a high-quality home electrical brand for consumers around the world.
The founder of BLUEBIRD, Mr. Bluebird, is a very innovative German engineer. He founded the "BLUEBIRD" brand in the early 20th century, and from the beginning focused on the development and production of household kitchen products. Since then, "BLUEBIRD" has been adhering to the spirit of continuous innovation, combining traditional craftsmanship with modern technology to bring consumers one stunning home electrical product after another. "BLUEBIRD" products all over the world, deeply loved by consumers. Among them, the most representative is the "BLUEBIRD" building electrical products. These products are not only ahead of the industry in performance and functionality, but also in design. It is also quite ingenious and has become the first choice of many families.
"BLUEBIRD" manufacturing main products: switch socket, wire and cable, smart home series products, etc. These products are not only beautiful in appearance, but also practical, adding more comfort and warmth to the home environment. The story of "BLUEBIRD" is a legend of the German artisan spirit and innovative spirit. It tells us that only by continuous innovation can we maintain our leading position; Only by creating with your heart can you win the trust and love of consumers.

Talent strategy
人才战略:以人为本,人才成就事业,事业成就人才,依靠员工创造精良。 人才标准:德至厚、才至精、擅于思、勤于行。 人才环境:公平竞争、可持续发展 人才使用:任人唯贤、适才适用、岗能相宜。 人才激励:目标激励、文化激励、待遇激励、感情激励。 人才培养:树立理想、锤炼意志、培养技能。 人才提升:业绩加潜质,品格加才干。 “ 人才是BLUEBIRD布鲁博德的资本,是BLUEBIRD布鲁博德的核心竞争力”,尊重人、研究人、培养人、开发人、发展人,为优秀的人才创造一个和谐、富有激情的环境,是BLUEBIRD布鲁博德人才战略的重要目标,BLUEBIRD布鲁博德提供给每一个员工公平竞争的环境和可持续发展的空间,致力于培养更多善经营、懂管理、有专业知识、不断超越自我的专业人才,通过学习创造自我,提升自我价值。 让所有的人为了共同的目标走在一起,共同工作,通过内部经验交流和外部知识引进,提高能力,实现让员工在BLUEBIRD布鲁博德的发展中成长。